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Grades 4-8+ Catalog

publication date: Sep 12, 2012
author/source: Carol Montgomery


*  The links below should still work, but there are a LOT of scripts missing.  Here is our replacement catalog page that is updated regularly:  All-You-Can-Eat Script Buffet Table.  (Note:  Most of the scripts are for paying members, but you may read about them.)




Searching for trustworthy Readers Theater or puppet scripts for your elementary or middle school students grades 4-8+?  So far we have two options for you:  Whoops!

1.  Try the search bar on this page to put in some keywords.  (This may or may not work for your search.  I'm planning on getting a more efficient search function developed.)

2.  Browse the catalog below for your general category.  Then click on the titles you like to see an excerpt and get the download link to the whole script with annotated curriculum links. 


  =  Script Buffet Club script ONLY for paying members (Note: Most holiday scripts are free.)

R = Readability grade level based on Flesch-Kincaide Readability Score.  (Note:  This score is often higher because of the word "narrator"--3 syllables!  Other times it may be lower because of shorter sentences. Vocabulary is listed on front page of each script.  Older scripts may have a "?" here--until I get the readability computed.)

CHORAL = entire script may be read chorally (All 2-4 part scripts will work, even if not on this list.)

CH = Chorus included, so you may have unlimited readers

FF =  Friday Filler (i.e., short scripts--less than 5 minutes--to use as fun fillers)

Below is the growing catalog of our upper elementary and middle school printable Readers Theater scripts.  


NOTE:  Clicking on Categories preceeded by ** will jump you down the page to the relevant grouping of scripts; then scroll to see the individual script titles.



** EASY, EMERGENT, BEGINNING READERS (ESL, ELL, remedial, special ed)

** HISTORY-- (See Biographies, Black History, Holidays, and Patriotic sections also, please.)
** LANGUAGE ARTS-- (See our K-3 Readability Index.)
** PATRIOTIC (American)






Luise Walter Alvarez:  Famous Scientist from WWII

√  FF  R: 3.6  (Cast: 4+, CH"Luis Walter Alvarez:  Famous Scientist"   *NOTE:  Alvarez worked on The Bomb in WWII;  he figured a bomb would kill fewer people than a war, 3 1/2 min.


Clara Barton:  Teacher, Battlefield Nurse, Red Cross Founder

√     R: 4.3  (Cast: 4+, CH)  "Helping Others:  Young Clara Barton" Part 1 of her life, 6+ min.

√     R: 5.0  (Cast: 8-10+, CH)  "Helping Others:  Clara Barton, Teacher (with chorus)" Part 2 of her life, 8 min.

√     R: 5.0  (Cast: 8-13)  "Helping Others:  Clara Barton, Teacher (no chorus)" Part 2 of her life, 7 min.

√     R: 7.6 (grade 7.0 without the word "narrator") (Cast: 6-7+, optional Chorus) "Helping Others:  Clara Barton, Battlefield Nurse and Red Cross Founder"  Part 3 of her life, *Civil War, famous women, or volunteerism, 7 min.



 Alexander Graham Bell:  Inventor (e.g., telephone...)

√        R: 3.8-4.4 (3.8 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator")  (Cast: 3-8)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2:  Teacher and Inventor (Simplified)" *Uses some of Bell's own words  Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more.

√        R:  3.8-4.4 (3.8 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator")  (Cast:  3-8)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2:  Teacher and Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)"  *Uses some of Bell's own words  Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more.

    R:  4.4-5.0 (grade 4.4 without the word "Narrator")  (Cast:  3-7)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part I:  Childhood Inventor"   *extensive curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, etc.    6 1/2 min.

√    R:  4.4-5.0 (grade 4.4 without the word "Narrator")  (Cast:  6-23 "Alexander Graham Bell–Part I:  Childhood Inventor (Full Class Version)"   *extensive curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, etc.  6 1/2 min.

√    R:  6.2-6.7 (grade 6.2 replacing "Nat" for narrator)  (Cast:  3-28)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2:  Teacher and Inventor"  *uses some of Bell's own words  *extensive curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, etc.  11+ min.

√    R: 6.2-6.7 (grade 6.2 replacing "Nat" for narrator)  (Cast: 3-28)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2:  Teacher and Inventor (Full Class Version) *uses some of Bell's own words  *extensive curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, etc.  11+ min.



Kit Carson:  Mountain Man/Explorer of Western U.S.

√ FF  R: 4.4  (Cast: 3+"Kit Carson:  Mountain Man (Part I), *based on the story Kit Carson dictated in 1856-57 in his book Kit Carson's Own Story of His Life, 4 1/2 min.

√  FF  R: 4.7  (Cast: 3-4)  "Kit Carson's Adventure with Amigo" *based on the story Kit Carson dictated in 1856-57 in his book Kit Carson's Own Story of His Life,  3 min.

√  FF  R: 5.0  (Cast: 4+)  "Kit Carson:  Mountain Man and Guide (Part II)"  *based on the story Kit Carson dictated in 1856-57 in his book Kit Carson's Own Story of His Life, 2 1/2 min.


Thomas Edison:  Inventor (electric light bulb, phonograph...)

√   FF    R:  5.5  (Cast:  4-5)  "Thomas Edison–Inventor (Part 2 of his life–Simplified)  Edison's life when he was experimenting with electricity. Time = 4.5 min

√          R:  5.6  (Cast:  4-8)  "Thomas Alva Edison:  A Bright Boy Full of Surprises (Simplified)"  Edison's boyhood. Time = 7 min

√          R:  6.7  (Cast: 4-8)  "Thomas Alva Edison:  A Bright Boy Full of Surprises (Middle School)"  Edison's boyhood.  Includes Edison quotes. Time = 7 min

 √  FF    R:  7.3  (Cast:  4-5 "Thomas Edison–Inventor (Part 2 of his life) (Middle School)  Edison's life when he was experimenting with electricity.  Includes Edison quotes. Time = 4.5 min



Benjamin Franklin: Inventor, Printer, Writer, American Patriot, Philosopher, Polititian

√     R: 4.9 (Readability of Ben's part is around grade 6)  (Cast: 2-6+ optional chorus)  "Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Growing Up (Simplified)" , 7.5 min. based on chapter one of Franklin's autobiography and sayings from "Poor Richard's Almanac."

√     R: 5.0 (4.4 replacing "Nat" for Narrator and "In" for Interpreter) (Cast: 3-32+"Benjamin Franklin's Virtues: Project Perfection" (Simplified) Tone: Serious (From His Autobiography) 13 minutes; *Character Building

√     R: 6.0 (substituting "Nat" for Narrator)  (Cast: 2-6+ optional chorus)  "Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Apprenticeship and Beyond (Simplified)" , 13.5 min. Tone: serious, thoughful - based on the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (chapters 1-5) and Poor Richard's Almanac.

√     R: 6.2 (5.6 substituting "Nat" for Narrator and "Ann" for Announcer)  (Cast: 3-9+)  "The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show (Simplified)" , 7.25 min.

√     R: 6.3 (R:5.7 replacing "Nat" for Narrator and "In" for Interpreter) (Cast: 3-32+"Benjamin Franklin's Virtues: Project Perfection" Tone: Serious (From His Autobiography)  
13 minutes; 
*Character Building

√     R: 6.3 (Cast: 2-4 or two choral groups)  "Benjamin Franklin's Whistle Story" (Simplified), 5 minutes - Tone: serious (shorter sentences & less vocabulary than middle school version)

√     R: 6.3 (Ben's part readability is 6.6)  (Cast: 2-6+ optional chorus"Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Growing Up" , 7.5 min. based on chapter one of Franklin's autobiography and sayings from Poor Richard's Almanac

√     R: 7.4 (Cast: 3-9 or more)  "The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show" , 7.5 min.

√     R: 7.5  (Cast: 2-6+ optional chorus"Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Apprenticeship and Beyond" , 13.5 min. Tone: serious, thoughful

√     R: 8.4 (vocabulary and long sentences)  (Cast: 2-4 or two choral groups"Benjamin Franklin's Whistle Story" (Middle School) , 5 min. Tone: serious

Back to the Top of the Page


Francis Scott Key:  American Patriot (War of 1812), Poet (i.e., lyrics to the "Star-Spangled Banner")

           R:  4.6 (Cast:  6-9)  "Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner (Simplified)" Story behind the "Star-Spangled Banner" (U.S. national anthem).  13 min.

           R:  5.9  (Cast: 6-9) "Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner"  Story behind the "Star-Spangled Banner" (US national anthem).  13+ min.

           R: 7.1  (Cast:  6-9)  "Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner (Middle School)"  Story behind the "Star-Spangled Banner" with advanced vocabulary and historic quotes.  13 1/2 min.


Harriet Tubman:  "Conductor" on the Underground Railroad

         R: ?  (Cast: 8-12)  "Harriet Tubman, Alias Moses:  Joe's Journey"  *adapted from the second edition of Sarah Bradford's book, Harriet Tubman:  The Moses of Her People (1886)--stories dictated by Harriet  Tubman, 9 1/2 min.

√     R: ?  (Cast: 5-7+"Harriet Tubman, Alias Moses:  The Swamp Mystery," *adapted from the second edition of Sarah Bradford's book, Harriet Tubman:  The Moses of Her People (1886)--stories dictated by Harriet  Tubman, 5 min.


The Wright Brothers:  Inventors of the First Airplane

√       R: 6.5  (Cast:  5+, CH)  "Amos Root's Eyewitness Account of the Wright Brothers' Flight"  (Note:  "Fly a Bike" is about the Wright Brothers at Readability grade 3.4.)  *historical--from the first published eyewitness account of the Wright Brothers' flight  11 1/2 min.



Note:  Most of these scripts are older and still need readability levels  and time computed.  They are ALL listed under Black History in our general Script Buffet Club catalog. (Click here to be taken there.)




Note: Most of our character building scripts are listed in our general Script Buffet Club catalog. (Click here to be taken there.)

√     R: 5.0 (4.4 replacing "Nat" for Narrator and "In" for Interpreter) (Cast: 3-32+"Benjamin Franklin's Virtues: Project Perfection" (Simplified) Tone: Serious (From His Autobiography) 13 minutes; *Character Building

 √     R: 6.0 (substituting "Nat" for Narrator)  (Cast: 2-6+ optional chorus)  "Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Apprenticeship and Beyond (Simplified)" , 13.5 min. Tone: serious, thoughful - based on the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (chapters 1-5) and Poor Richard's Almanac.

√     R: 6.2 (5.6 substituting "Nat" for Narrator and "Ann" for Announcer)  (Cast: 3-9+)  "The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show (Simplified)" , 7.25 min.

√     R: 6.3 (R:5.7 replacing "Nat" for Narrator and "In" for Interpreter) (Cast: 3-32+"Benjamin Franklin's Virtues: Project Perfection" Tone: Serious (From His Autobiography)  
13 minutes; 
*Character Building

√     R: 7.4 (Cast: 3-9 or more)  "The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show" , 7.5 min.

√     R: 7.5  (Cast: 2-6+ optional chorus)  "Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Apprenticeship and Beyond" , 13.5 min. Tone: serious, thoughful

√ FF R: 4.7 (Cast 5-13+"The Little Red Roosters, Master Chefs (Choral)" 5 1/2 minutes; Tone Light-hearted with serious lessons



** EASY, EMERGENT, BEGINNING READERS (ESL, ELL, remedial, special ed)

 Note:  All of these scripts are in the Grades K-3 Readability Catalog.  They are ALL listed under Easy, Emergent Readers in our general Script Buffet Club catalog. (Click here to be taken there.)



(Note:  "Turkey Dreams"--R: grade 3.4--is in the Grades K-3 Readability Catalog. I will be adding more to this category for older students, but "Turkey Dreams" has annotated curriculum links for grades 2-6+.)

        R: 4.0  (Cast: 4-6-10+, optional choruses)  "The Tiny Crooked Crack"  *debt  (&/or elections)  *character-building   5+ min.

        R:  5.3  (Cast:  4-6-10+, optional choruses"The Tiny Crooked Crack (Advanced)"  *debt (&/or elections)  *character-building  5+ min.

√     R: 6.3 (Cast: 2-4 or two choral groups)  "Benjamin Franklin's Whistle Story" (Simplified), 5 minutes - Tone: serious (shorter sentences & less vocabulary than middle school version)

√     R: 8.4 (vocabulary and long sentences)  (Cast: 2-4 or two choral groups)  "Benjamin Franklin's Whistle Story" (Middle School) , 5 min.



(Note:  Most of these scripts are in the Grades K-3 Readability Catalog.  They are ALL listed under Everyday Life in our general Script Buffet Club Catalog.)

√      R:  4.2  (Cast:  5-6)  "The Cookie Culprit (Advanced)"  *humorous  6 min.

√      R:  5.8  (Cast:  3-5)  "Collision Course"  Exciting urban legend that hopefully is not everyday life.  Great discussion starter!


** FAMILY FUN--(See this category in our general Script Buffet Club catalog.  All of these scripts are listed in other categories--mostly for members only.)


**  HEALTH–(Human Body, Nutrition...)

√  FF  R: 3.8  (Cast: 2-25+ readers or CHORAL) "Oh, My Heart, Heart, Heart"   * about the  heart 3 1/2 min.

√        R: ?   (Cast: 12-13+, optional Chorus) "The F-I-B:  Case #33" *nutrition (Think Childhood Obesity Prevention.)  12 min.

           R: ?  (Cast: 12+, optional Chorus "The Sugar Spies" *nutrition (Think Childhood Obesity Prevention.)  11 min.

            R: 4.8 (Cast: 6) "Talking Pets-Beyond Earth Day" 5.5 minutes


**  HISTORY-- (See Biographies, Black History, Holidays, and Patriotic sections also, please.)


          R: 6.2  (Cast:  5+, CH "Never, Never, Never Forget 9/11" *told from the perspective of the Statue of Liberty 10 1/2 min.

      First Flight

√       R: 6.5  (Cast:  5+, CH)  "Amos Root's Eyewitness Account of the Wright Brothers' Flight"  (Note:  "Fly a Bike" is about the Wright Brothers at Readability grade 3.4.)  *historical--from the first published eyewitness account of the Wright Brothers' flight  11 1/2 min.

      First Men on the Moon

√       R: 3.5  (Cast: 4-6+)  "Justin Goes to the Moon (Part 2--two versions)" *FUN surprises   8 1/2 min.

√        R:  4.1 (Cast:  4-8+)  "Justin Goes to the Moon (Part 1–Simplified)  *includes excerpts from NASA transcripts (longer NASA transcripts in our "Moon Talk" scripts)  8 1/2 min.

          R:  5.0  (Cast: 6+, CH)  "Moon Talk--from Apollo 11 (Long Version)" *based on NASA's transcripts of the historic conversations from the Moon in July 1969  less than 21 minutes

√       R: 5.1 (Readability falls to 4.8 substituting Nar for narrator) (Cast: 4-8+) "Justin Goes to the Moon (Part 1)" *includes excerpts from NASA transcripts (longer versions in our "Moon Talk" scripts)  8 1/2 min.

          R: 5.1  (Cast: 5+, CH)  "Moon Talk--from Apollo 11 (Shortened Version)" (Note:  This version leaves out all the conversations with Michael Collins as he orbited the Moon.  It includes astronaut Buzz Aldrin calling for a moment of silent thanksgiving from the Moon, as well as the challenges Aldrin and Armstrong had maneuvering their space suit OUT of the Lunar Module.)  *based on NASA's transcripts of the historic conversations from the Moon in July 1969  19 minutes

          R: 5.8  (Cast: 5+)  "Moon Talk--from Apollo 11 (Quick Version)" *based on NASA's transcripts of the historic conversations from the Moon in July 1969  13 minutes


     Great Depression:  (See our K-3 Readability Catalog. Click Here!)


       Inventors and Inventions

 Alexander Graham Bell:  Inventor (e.g., telephone...)

√        R: 3.8-4.4 (3.8 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator")  (Cast: 3-8)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2:  Teacher and Inventor (Simplified)" *Uses some of Bell's own words  Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more.  

√        R:  3.8-4.4 (3.8 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator")  (Cast:  3-8)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2:  Teacher and Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)"  *Uses some of Bell's own words  Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more. 

    R:  4.4-5.0 (grade 4.4 without the word "Narrator")  (Cast:  3-7)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part I:  Childhood Inventor"  *  uses some of Bell's own words  * extensive curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, etc.    6 1/2 min.

√    R:  4.4-5.0 (grade 4.4 without the word "Narrator")  (Cast:  6-23 "Alexander Graham Bell–Part I:  Childhood Inventor (Full Class Version)"  *uses some of Bell's own words *extensive curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, etc.  6 1/2

√    R:  6.2-6.7 (grade 6.2 replacing "Nat" for narrator)  (Cast:  3-28)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2:  Teacher and Inventor"  *uses some of Bell's own words  *extensive curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, etc.  11+ min.

√    R: 6.2-6.7 (grade 6.2 replacing "Nat" for narrator)  (Cast: 3-28)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2:  Teacher and Inventor (Full Class Version) *uses some of Bell's own words  *extensive curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, etc.  11+ min.


Thomas Edison:  Inventor (electric light bulb, phonograph...)

√   FF    R:  5.5  (Cast:  4-5)  "Thomas Edison–Inventor (Part 2 of his life–Simplified)  Edison's life when he was experimenting with electricity. Time = 4.5 min

√          R:  5.6  (Cast:  4-8)  "Thomas Alva Edison:  A Bright Boy Full of Surprises (Simplified)"  Edison's boyhood. Time = 7 min

√          R:  6.7  (Cast: 4-8)  "Thomas Alva Edison:  A Bright Boy Full of Surprises (Middle School)"  Edison's boyhood.  Includes Edison quotes. Time = 7 min

 √  FF    R:  7.3  (Cast:  4-5 "Thomas Edison–Inventor (Part 2 of his life) (Middle School)  Edison's life when he was experimenting with electricity.  Includes Edison quotes. Time = 4.5 min


• Ben Franklin: Inventor (bifocal eyeglasses, lightning rod, Franklin Stove...) 

 √     R: 6.2 (5.6 substituting "Nat" for Narrator and "Ann" for Announcer)  (Cast: 3-9+)  "The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show (Simplified)" , 7.25 min.

 √     R: 7.4 (Cast: 3-9 or more)  "The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show" , 7.5 min. Insight and motivation on being creative. Includes annotated curriculum links.


        Music History

√  FF  R:  3.1  (Cast:  3-7+ or CHORAL)  "The Star-Spangled Banner Lyrics"– all 4 verses,  2 1/2  min.

√     R:  4.2  (Cast:  4+, CH)  "My Western Home on the Range"  True story behind the sponaneous poem becoming the folk song "Home on the Range."  5 min. 


        Patriotic (Click HERE to be taken to our Patriotic section)

        Westward Movement  (See Kit Carson's story under biographies, too.)

√     R:  4.2  (Cast:  4+, CH)  "My Western Home on the Range"  True story behind the sponaneous poem becoming the folk song "Home on the Range."  5 min.

        World War II

√  FF  R: 3.6  (Cast: 4+CH)  "Luis Walter Alvarez:  Famous Scientist"   *NOTE:  Alvarez worked on The Bomb in WWII;  he figured a bomb would kill fewer people than a war, 3 1/2 min.

√       R:  5.6  (Cast:  3-7"Andy's Not So Secret Message"  *character-building   *Holocaust   *elections



** HOLIDAYS & EVENTS--(Many free Readers Theater printable scripts.  Check our general Script Buffet Club catalog for complete list.)

     April Fools:   (See our K-3 Readability Catalog. Click Here!)


√        R: ?  (Cast: 2 narrators and CHORUS/audience)"In the Beginning: Christmas"  (Note:  from Biblical literature--expanded from John 1.)  time: ?

          R: ?  (Cast: 13"Las Posadas:  El Burro and the Miracle"  5 min.

     FF  R: ?   (Cast: 2-6 or 4-6 groups"Not the Night Before Christmas"  (Note: Santa-free adaptation from the poem "The Night Before Christmas.")  3 1/2 min.

         R:?  (Cast: 7-9+, CHORUS/audience)  "Tobit's Christmas"  (Note: based on the shepherds' Christmas described by Dr. Luke in Biblical literature.)  7 min.


     Columbus Day:

√       R:  4.2  (Cast:  6-10, optional chorus)  "Pretend Play for Columbus Day (Shortened)"  4 1/2 min.

√       R: 4.4  (Cast: 11+, CH"Columbus Day Pretend Play" (Private School Version) 6 1/2 min.

√       R: 4.4  (Cast:  11+"Pretend Play for Columbus Day"  6+ min.



      Earth Day:

          R: 3.5 or 4.1 (see note)  (Cast: 6-21+, CH"Students Save Shad! (Part I)"  (Note:  Readability is grade 3.5 without the reader titles "announcer" or "narrator.")  *environmental on the American shad fish  5 1/2

           R:  3.8 or 4.2  (see note)  (Cast:  10-12+, CH)  "Students Save Shad! (Part III)"  (Note:  Readability is 4.2 with the reader titles "narrator" and "announcer.") *environmental on the American shad fish    9 min.

          R:  4.3 or 4.8 (see note)  (Cast: 8+, CH"Students Save Shad! (Part II)"  (Note:  Readability is 4.8 with the reader titles "narrator" and "announcer.")  *environmental on the American shad fish   6 1/2 min.


     Election Day:

√      R:  4.5  (Cast:  5-6+, optional chorus)  "The Boisterous Oyster (Advanced)"  (Note:  Advanced vocabulary and sentence structure from our original script.)  *character building 

√       R:  5.6  (Cast:  3-7"Andy's Not So Secret Message"  *character-building   *Holocaust   *elections


     Flag Day: 

         R: ?  (Cast: 6)   "The Betsy Ross Story"  10 min.

     Memorial Day:

    FF  R: 4.6  (Cast: 9?)  "Sack Lunch Flying"  4 min.


     Patriot Day (Sept. 11):

          R: 6.2  (Cast:  5+, CH "Never, Never, Never Forget 9/11" *told from the perspective of the Statue of Liberty 10 1/2 min.



     President's Day:

    R: 3.7+  (Cast: 2-13"President's Day Quiz Parade"  10 1/2 min.

     R: 6.3+  (Cast:  2-13)  "President's Day Quiz Parade (Grades 6-8)" (Washington & Lincoln)  11 min.

FF  R: 5.2  (See note.)  (Cast: 6-12+)  "Abraham Lincoln:  It's Lincoln Penny Day!"  (Group Participation and Short Versions)  (Note:  Although the readability is 5.2, many parts are suitable for grade 3 readers.)  4-6 min.


     Remembrance Day (Nov. 11 in Commonwealth Nations):

    FF  R: 4.6  (Cast: 9?"Sack Lunch Flying"  4 min.

    St. Patrick's Day:

    FF  R: 4.5   (Cast: 3 or CHORAL)  "'St. Patrick's Day Shamrock' Radio Show   5 min.

     Teacher Appreciation Day:

   FF  R: 3.9  (Cast: 2-4+, CHORAL?"Three Cheers for Teachers!"  2 min.

     Thanksgiving:  (See our K-3 Readability Catalog. Click Here!)

     Valentine's Day:

√  FF  R: 3.8  (Cast: 2-25+,CH or CHORAL"Oh, My Heart, Heart, Heart"  *health/science study 3 1/2 min

Veteran's Day:

    FF  R: 4.6  (Cast: 9?"Sack Lunch Flying"  4 min.



         R: 3.0  (Cast: 3 or a narrator and 2 CHORUSES)  "Dog Jog Adventure (Advanced)"     7 min. 

√       R: 3.4 (Cast: 6-30+, 2 Chorus parts) "Farmer Funzy: Ducks vs. Chickens"  6.5 min. *Science/nature, *Humorous

√    R: 2.9 (2.4 replacing "Announcer with "An") (Cast: 6-30+, 2 Chorus parts) "Farmer Funzy: Ducks vs. Chickens" (Simplified) 6.5 min. *Science/nature, *Humorous

√       R: 4.1  (Cast:  5-9)  "When Kevin Burped (Advanced)--a Tall Tale"  *curriculum links on tall tales  7 1/2 min.

√      R:  4.2  (Cast:  5-6)  "The Cookie Culprit (Advanced)"  *humorous  6 min.

    FF  R: 4.5 (see note)  (Cast: 3, or host and 2 CHORUSES"'St. Patrick Day Shamrock' Radio Show" (Note:  The reading level may be higher because of 4 Irish sayings and a couple of vocabulary words.)  5 min.

         R: ?  (Cast: 12+, optional Chorus "The Sugar Spies" *nutrition (Think Childhood Obesity Prevention.)  time: ?


** LANGUAGE ARTS-- (See our K-3 Readability Catalog. Click Here!)




     Aesop's Fables:  (See our K-3 Readability Index.)

√      R:  4.6  (Cast:  12-14"Chanticleer's Friends and the Fox"  Chaucers tale from Canterbury Tales–I believe he based it on Aesop's Fable, "The Rooster and the Fox"  14  min.

     Biblical Literature:  (Also see our K-3 Readability Index.)

         R:  3.9  (Cast:  8+, optional chorus)  "Feeding the Multitude:  Feeding the 5000"  Classic story retold with light-hearted spin.  5+ minutes

         R:  4.2  (Cast:  5-11)  "Feeding the Multitude:  Feeding the 4000"  Classic story retold with light-hearted spin.  Compare/contrast with the script below.  5+ min.

√  FF  R: 4.4  (Easier? See note.)  (Cast:  5+, CH "The Unforgiving Servant"    (Note: Since the script has 2 narrators the word "narrator" increases the readability score.)     4 1/2 min.


    Non-Fiction Stories 


√     R: 4.9 (Readability of Ben's part is around grade 6)  (Cast: 2-6+ optional chorus)  "Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Growing Up (Simplified)" , 7.5 min. based on chapter one of Franklin's autobiography and sayings from "Poor Richard's Almanac."

√     R: 6.0 (substituting "Nat" for Narrator)  (Cast: 2-6+ optional chorus)  "Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Apprenticeship and Beyond (Simplified)" , 13.5 min. Tone: serious, thoughful - based on the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (chapters 1-5) and Poor Richard's Almanac.

√     R: 6.3 (Ben's part readability is 6.6)  (Cast: 2-6+ optional chorus)  "Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Growing Up" , 7.5 min. based on chapter one of Franklin's autobiography and sayings from Poor Richard's Almanac

√     R: 6.3 (Cast: 2-4 or two choral groups)  "Benjamin Franklin's Whistle Story" (Simplified), 5.0 minutes - Tone: serious (shorter sentences & less vocabulary than middle school version)

√     R: 7.5  (Cast: 2-6+ optional chorus)  "Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Apprenticeship and Beyond" , 13.5 min. Tone: serious, thoughful

√     R: 8.4 (vocabulary and long sentences)  (Cast: 2-4 or two choral groups)  "Benjamin Franklin's Whistle Story" (Middle School) , 5.2 min.


     Parables: (Also see our K-3 Readability Catalog.)

        R: 4.0  (Cast: 4-6-10+, optional choruses)  "The Tiny Crooked Crack"  *debt  (&/or elections)  *character-building   5+ min.

√  FF  R: 4.4  (Easier? See note.)  (Cast:  5+, CH "The Unforgiving Servant"    (Note: Since the script has 2 narrators the word "narrator" increases the readability score.)     4 1/2 min.

        R:  5.3  (Cast:  4-6-10+, optional choruses"The Tiny Crooked Crack"  *debt (&/or elections)  *character-building  5+ min.


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     Tales (adapted from popular children's stories), Tall Tales, and Legends:

√  FF  R: 2.7  (Cast: 8-9)  "The Bremen Town Detective Band--Part I"  *first of two parts adapted from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"    5 min. (part I only)  NOTE:  We intend to make a higher grade version as time allows.

√       R: 4.1  (Cast:  5-9)  "When Kevin Burped (Advanced)--a Tall Tale"  *curriculum links on tall tales  7 1/2 min.

√  FF  R: 4.3  gr. 3? (see note) (Cast: 11?"The Bremen Town Detective Band--Part II"  (Note: readability is higher because of a few nonsense words and silly names.)  *second of two parts adapted from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"    5 min. (part II only)

√      R:  4.6  (Cast:  12-14)  "Chanticleer's Friends and the Fox"  Chaucers tale from Canterbury Tales–I believe he based it on Aesop's Fable, "The Rooster and the Fox"  14  min.

√      R:  5.8  (Cast:  3-5)  "Collision Course"  Exciting urban legend that hopefully is not everyday life.  Great discussion starter!



√  FF  R: ? gr. 3? (Cast: 5-7+"Harriet Tubman, Alias Moses:  The Swamp Mystery" *adapted from Sarah Bradford's biography of Harriet Tubman as dictated by Harriet  5 min.

√      R:  4.2  (Cast:  5-6)  "The Cookie Culprit (Advanced)"  *humorous  6 min.

√      R:  5.8  (Cast:  3-5)  "Collision Course"  Exciting urban legend that sounds like a mystery to the audience.  Great discussion starter!

√        R: ?   (Cast: 12-13+, optional Chorus) "The F-I-B:  Case #33" *nutrition (Think Childhood Obesity Prevention.)  12 min.

           R: ?  (Cast: 12+, optional Chorus "The Sugar Spies" *nutrition (Think Childhood Obesity Prevention.)  11 min.


** PATRIOTIC (American)--

√  FF  R:  3.1  (Cast:  3-7+ or CHORAL)  "The Star-Spangled Banner Lyrics"– all 4 verses,  2 1/2  min.

           R: 3.7+  (Cast: 2-13)  "President's Day Quiz Parade"  10 1/2 min.


    FF  R: 4.6  (Cast: 9?)  "Sack Lunch Flying"  4 min.

           R:  4.6 (Cast:  6-9)  "Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner (Simplified)" Story behind the "Star-Spangled Banner" (U.S. national anthem).  13 min.

     FF  R: 5.2  (See note.)  (Cast: 6-12+"Abraham Lincoln:  It's Lincoln Penny Day!"  (Group Participation and Short Versions)  (Note:  Although the readability is 5.2, many parts are suitable for grade 3 readers.)  4-6 min.

           R:  5.9  (Cast: 6-9) "Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner"  Story behind the "Star-Spangled Banner" (US national anthem).  13+ min.

         R:  6.2  (Cast:  5+, CH)  "Never, Never, Never Forget 9/11" *told from the perspective of the Statue of Liberty 10 1/2 min.

    R: 6.3+  (Cast:  2-13)  "President's Day Quiz Parade (Grades 6-8)" (Washington & Lincoln)  11 min.

           R: 7.1  (Cast:  6-9)  "Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner (Middle School)"  Story behind the "Star-Spangled Banner" with advanced vocabulary and historic quotes.  13 1/2 min.

        R: ?  (Cast: 6)   "The Betsy Ross Story"  (Note:  Includes George Washington.) 10 min.





√       R: 6.5  (Cast:  5+, CH)  "Amos Root's Eyewitness Account of the Wright Brothers' Flight"  (Note:  "Fly a Bike" is about the Wright Brothers at Readability grade 3.4.)  *historical--from the first published eyewitness account of the Wright Brothers' flight  11 1/2 min.

      Human Body & Nutrition

√  FF  R: 3.8  (Cast: 2-25+ readers or CHORAL) "Oh, My Heart, Heart, Heart"   * about the  heart 3 1/2 min.

√        R: ?   (Cast: 12-13+, optional Chorus) "The F-I-B:  Case #33" *nutrition (Think Childhood Obesity Prevention.)  12 min.

           R: ?  (Cast: 12+, optional Chorus "The Sugar Spies" *nutrition (Think Childhood Obesity Prevention.)  11 min.

      Inventors and Inventions

 • Bell, Alexander Graham:  Inventor (e.g., telephone...)

√        R: 3.8-4.4 (3.8 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator")  (Cast: 3-8)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2:  Teacher and Inventor (Simplified)" *Uses some of Bell's own words  Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more.

√        R:  3.8-4.4 (3.8 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator")  (Cast:  3-8)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2:  Teacher and Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)"  *Uses some of Bell's own words  Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more.

    R:  4.4-5.0 (grade 4.4 without the word "Narrator")  (Cast:  3-7)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part I:  Childhood Inventor"  *  uses some of Bell's own words  * extensive curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, etc.    6 1/2 min.

√    R:  4.4-5.0 (grade 4.4 without the word "Narrator")  (Cast:  6-23 "Alexander Graham Bell–Part I:  Childhood Inventor (Full Class Version)"  *uses some of Bell's own words *extensive curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, etc.  6 1/2

√    R:  6.2-6.7 (grade 6.2 replacing "Nat" for narrator)  (Cast:  3-28)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2:  Teacher and Inventor"  *uses some of Bell's own words  *extensive curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, etc.  11+ min.

√    R: 6.2-6.7 (grade 6.2 replacing "Nat" for narrator)  (Cast: 3-28)  "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2:  Teacher and Inventor (Full Class Version) *uses some of Bell's own words  *extensive curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, etc.  11+ min.

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Edison, Thomas Alva:  Inventor (electric light bulb, phonograph...)

√   FF    R:  5.5  (Cast:  4-5)  "Thomas Edison–Inventor (Part 2 of his life–Simplified)  Edison's life when he was experimenting with electricity. Time = 4.5 min

√          R:  5.6  (Cast:  4-8)  "Thomas Alva Edison:  A Bright Boy Full of Surprises (Simplified)"  Edison's boyhood. Time = 7 min

√          R:  6.7  (Cast: 4-8)  "Thomas Alva Edison:  A Bright Boy Full of Surprises (Middle School)"  Edison's boyhood.  Includes Edison quotes. Time = 7 min

 √  FF    R:  7.3  (Cast:  4-5 "Thomas Edison–Inventor (Part 2 of his life) (Middle School)  Edison's life when he was experimenting with electricity.  Includes Edison quotes. Time = 4.5 min


• Franklin, Ben: Inventor (bifocal eyeglasses, lightning rod, Franklin Stove...) 

 √     R: 6.2 (5.6 substituting "Nat" for Narrator and "Ann" for Announcer)  (Cast: 3-9+)  "The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show (Simplified)" , 7.25 min.

 √     R: 7.4 (Cast: 3-9 or more)  "The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show" , 7.5 min. Insight and motivation on being creative. Includes annotated curriculum links.




√       R: 2.9 (2.4 replacing "Announcer with "An") (Cast: 6-30+, 2 Chorus parts) "Farmer Funzy: Ducks vs. Chickens" (Simplified) 6.5 min. *Humorous, *Science/nature

√       R: 3.4 (Cast: 6-30+, 2 Chorus parts) "Farmer Funzy: Ducks vs. Chickens"  6.5 min. *Humorous, *Science/nature

          R: 3.5 or 4.1 (see note)  (Cast: 6-21+, CH)  "Students Save Shad! (Part I)"  (Note:  Readability is grade 3.5 without the reader titles "announcer" or "narrator.")  *environmental on the American shad fish  5 1/2 min.

          R:  3.8 or 4.2  (see note)  (Cast:  10-12+, CH)  "Students Save Shad! (Part III)"  (Note:  Readability is 4.2 with the reader titles "narrator" and "announcer.") *environmental on the American shad fish    9 min.

          R:  4.0  (Cast:  6-10+, optional choruses "Save the Zoo!  (Part 1) (American version without the Aussie spellings*featuring role models of respect while teaching some fun facts on marsupials 

         R: 4.0  (Cast:  6-10+, optional choruses)  "Save the Zoo!  (Part 1–Aussie Version)  *featuring role models of respect while teaching some fun facts on marsupials  (Aussie Version means Aussie spellings)  9 1/2 min.

          R:  4.3 or 4.8 (see note)  (Cast: 8+, CH)  "Students Save Shad! (Part II)"  (Note:  Readability is 4.8 with the reader titles "narrator" and "announcer.")  *environmental on the American shad fish   6 1/2 min.

         R:  4.8  (Cast: 6) "Talking Pets-Beyond Earth Day" 5.5 minutes

         R:  4.9  (Cast:  6-10+, optional choruses"Save the Zoo!  (Part 2)  (American version without the Aussie spellings*featuring role models of respect while teaching some fun facts on marsupials 

         R:  4.9  (Cast:  6-10+, optional choruses)  "Save the Zoo!  (Part 2-Aussie Version)  *featuring role models of respect while teaching some fun facts on marsupials  (Aussie Version means Aussie spellings)  5 1/2 min.


√       R: 3.5  (Cast: 4-6+)  "Justin Goes to the Moon (Part 2--two versions)" *FUN surprises   8 1/2 min.

√        R:  4.1 (Cast:  4-8+)  "Justin Goes to the Moon (Part 1–Simplified)  *includes excerpts from NASA transcripts (longer NASA transcripts in our "Moon Talk" scripts)  8 1/2 min.

          R:  5.0  (Cast: 6+, CH)  "Moon Talk--from Apollo 11 (Long Version)" *based on NASA's transcripts of the historic conversations from the Moon in July 1969  less than 21 minutes

√       R: 5.1 (Readability falls to 4.8 substituting Nar for narrator) (Cast: 4-8+) "Justin Goes to the Moon (Part 1)" *includes excerpts from NASA transcripts (longer versions in our "Moon Talk" scripts)  8 1/2 min.

          R: 5.1  (Cast: 5+, CH)  "Moon Talk--from Apollo 11 (Shortened Version)" (Note:  This version leaves out all the conversations with Michael Collins as he orbited the Moon.  It includes astronaut Buzz Aldrin calling for a moment of silent thanksgiving from the Moon, as well as the challenges Aldrin and Armstrong had maneuvering their space suits OUT of the Lunar Module.)  *based on NASA's transcripts of the historic conversations from the Moon in July 1969  19 minutes

           R: 5.8  (Cast: 5+)  "Moon Talk--from Apollo 11 (Quick Version)" *based on NASA's transcripts of the historic conversations from the Moon in July 1969  13 minutes



** SEASONS-- (See our K-3 Readability Catalog.)


** Social Studies-- (See our K-3 Readability Catalog, too.)


√      R:  4.5  (Cast:  5-6+, optional chorus)  "The Boisterous Oyster (Advanced)"  (Note:  Advanced vocabulary and sentence structure upgraded from our original script that you can find in our K-3 Readability Catalog.)  *character building

√      R:  5.8  (Cast:  3-5)  "Collision Course"  Exciting urban legend that shows the importance of clear communication and positive character.  Great discussion starter!


√       R:  5.6  (Cast:  3-7)  "Andy's Not So Secret Message"  *character-building   *Holocaust   *elections

        R: 4.0  (Cast: 4-6-10+, optional choruses)  "The Tiny Crooked Crack"  *debt  (&/or elections)  *character-building   5+ min. 

       R:  5.3  (Cast:  4-6-10+, optional choruses)  "The Tiny Crooked Crack" (Advanced)  *debt (&/or elections)  *character-building  5+ min.

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** SPORTS-- (See our K-3 Readability Catalog.)

Readers Theater All Year™ LLC builds leaders and creators for positive influence through an inexpensive, easy, flexible system.  Readers Theater All Year™ LLC curriculum services provides a caring community for using and creating Readers Theater scripts for families, classrooms, homeschools, camps, and drama clubs.

Praise from Teachers

...Keep doing what you are doing.  There are not enough quality scripts available for children and teens.  So many are inappropriate from a parent's perspective.  As a teacher I want to also build character and integrity while I teach a subject.  Why can't drama build up, inspire and be thought provoking?...Anyway, keep doing what you're doing...we need all the help we can get!
Jen H., Drama teacher

> ...I have been teaching for 35 years. RT has been part of my education journey for the majority of that time. Initially my experience with it was as a performance genre in the Drama Curriculum. Now I use it across the curriculum - a wonderful high motivation strategy in the language program - particularly reading - and so much more as you would know. I was drawn to your 'community' by the idea of leadership... I think what you're doing is wonderful..."
Graham B. Former primary teacher (now a Visual Art and Drama specialist)

Readers Theater All Year is the most comprehensive collection of Readers Theater scripts and resources I have found on the internet!...Thank you Carol for your leadership and vision and for making Readers Theater so accessible for teachers and parents.
Daniel Fiore, Elementary teacher/author What They Have Taught Me

I found the free readers theater online scripts, teaching tips, and curriculum teleseminars at Readers Theater All Year very inspirational to me. I used the Twelve Days of Christmas...Vacation script in my ESOL classes before Christmas break and my students all enjoyed it..
Lily T. Teacher (English for Speakers of Other Languages)

"> ..We did Squanto's Squash for the family on Thanksgiving and [my sons] participated and loved it. I am so excited about making this a major part of homeschooling. What a great way to learn!
Bethany P. Homeschooling Mom

> our script "The Earth Day Hen and Friends" I've used this! The kids love it. Thank you for sharing...It's just right for all levels in the class...Your free scripts are wonderful!...They learn so much from drama and reader's theatre...I see the shy ones gain confidence as they read. Fluency and prosody increases with reader's theatre...
Angela D., 3rd grade teacher

Let's Celebrate YOU!


Featured TpT Product (K-2)

***  Create fluent readers!

33 Fun Animal Riddle Partner Plays

* Over 300 annotated curriculum links for easy lesson plans  

33 Animal Riddles


featured tpt product (1-3)

*** Enjoy Hispanic folktales!

"Hispanic Folktales Readers Theater" Includes Flexi-Curric™* for easy lesson plans.

Featured TPT Product (4+)

*** Enjoy Hispanic folktales with all ages!

"Hispanic Folktales (Advanced)" Includes Flexi-Curric™* for easy lesson plans.

Featured TpT Product (3-5)

***  Encourage wise choices!

9 Aesop's Fables with Flexi-Curric™* for easy lesson plans

Aesop's small thumbnail

Featured TpT Product (3-8)

***  Sprinkle giggles into your day!

Make lesson plans easy with annotated curriculum links and a graphic organizer on character qualities.



Featured TPT Product (3-6)

*** Build positive character qualities! (3–6)

See how easy it can be to teach respect!  Enjoy this character-building Readers Theater script with lively discussions. American and Australian versions.

Square Save the Zoo